CESSDA Resource Directory

Resource DirectoryThe aim of the CESSDA Resource Directory (RD) is to disseminate specific resources that help to build sustainable and mature data archives and support the development of new services and features within existing data archives. Information on relevant documents, training materials, tools and support services are collected, selected and reviewed, making the RD a curated inventory of existing resources.

The RD gathers not only resources from past and current CESSDA projects but also resources from CESSDA Service Providers and CESSDA Partners (i.e., non-member Service Providers) as well as resources beyond CESSDA that are important for data professionals and data archives.

The RD is thus a central place where all CESSDA Service Providers and CESSDA Partners can turn to when looking for resources useful for building, developing and improving their services and practices.

The resources have been organised under four main categories following the CoreTrustSeal requirements and the Open Archival Information System model:

  1. Organisation covers resources dealing with institutional management;
  2. Digital object management deals with activities around the acquisition, curation, dissemination and long-time preservation of data;
  3. Communication and support to users gathers resources on support, assistance and advice to users of the services;
  4. Technical infrastructure includes resources on hardware, software and tools needed to run the service, implementation and maintenance of technical systems and technical resilience.

The Resource Directory was migrated from a Zotero group library into the main CESSDA website in December 2024.

For suggestions about new resources and updates, contact

Access the Resource Directory