




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 1 to 10 of 600 items

Showcase DANS Data Stations

2023 Presentation
In this showcase DANS presents the Data Stations and shows how to deposit datasets and how to find datasets for reuse.

DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

2023 Presentation
A video introducing the DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, a central place where the Dutch social sciences and humanities (SSH) research community can safely store, publish, find and share data online.

Frequently Asked Questions about the DANS Data Stations

2023 Webpage
Frequently asked questions about DANS' Data Stations, mainly for users depositing data.

ISO 32000-1:2008 Document management — Portable document format — Part 1: PDF 1.7

2008 Webpage
SO 32000-1:2008 specifies a digital form for representing electronic documents to enable users to exchange and view electronic documents independent of the environment in which they were created or the environment in which they are viewed or printed. It is intended for the developer of software t...

The Data Protection Act and GDPR

This is a UKDS guide for researchers on UK law and the EU GDPR.

Qualitative Data Anonymisation: FORS Webinar

2022 Presentation
This webinar gives an introduction to the key principles of qualitative data anonymization and guides researchers through the different techniques for anonymising their data, as well as file handling procedures. It also addressed some common concerns expressed by researchers, and how to possibly...

Quantitative Data Anonymisation: FORS Webinar

2022 Presentation
This webinar provides key concepts on anonymization in social science research to help researchers to develop an appropriate strategy, and to provide the main techniques for anonymising your quantitative data.

Data Documentation: FORS Webinar

2022 Presentation
This webinar addressed the importance of good documentation within a research project, and will guide you through project-level documentation and data-level documentation. By the end you should have been able to determine what documentation is needed during a research project and what documentati...

Informed Consent: FORS Webinar

2022 Presentation
This webinar covered the most important questions on consent with regard to setting up a social science research project. By the end of the presentation researchers should have known how to formulate a coherent consent form and how to apply it.

SND metadata profile: General profile

2022 Document
To make it easier for researchers from various fields to describe and share data, SND has developed several metadata profiles that are specific for certain fields, or topics. SND also offers a general profile to fit broader uses, and a profile for entry level data; a minimum metadata profile that...
Showing 1 to 10 of 600 items