CESSDA Vocabulary Service

Vocabulary Service

The CESSDA Vocabulary Service enables users to discover, browse, and download controlled vocabularies in a variety of languages. Downloading is possible in SKOS, HTML and PDF formats, in the languages selected.

The service also contains an Editor, where authorised users create, manage and translate the vocabularies. Access rights to the Editor are granted by the user management team. The tool can also be used for in-house vocabularies of other agencies.

Many of the source (English) vocabularies have been created by the DDI Alliance. The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international standard for describing data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social, behavioural, economic, and health sciences.

The non-English language versions of the DDI vocabularies are provided by CESSDA members and associated organisations in different countries. However, as DDI vocabularies are used worldwide, organisations willing to produce and maintain a non-CESSDA language version are welcome to contact CESSDA. Click on the “Send feedback” button at the bottom right of the page.

The service also provides REST APIs. The link can be found at the bottom right of the page.

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