CESSDA Resource Directory
Tag: OpenAIRE Clear tag
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
Making your repository open : An Open science checklist on how to license repositories
This guide, is a companion Open Science (OS) checklist for Content Providers, about how to license repositories, meant to offer a state of the art, legally advanced, but still manageable set of rules, guidelines, and resources to enable the full potential of OS in the EU research field with a vie...
Legal issues in Dealing with Research Data: OpenAIRE Webinar
2019 Presentation
Guides and support materials for researchers and project coordinators related with legal issues; copyright, licensing and research data; general data protection regulation and how to deal with sensitive data
Amnesia Anonymization Tool
Amnesia is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms relational and transactional databases to dataset where formal privacy guaranties hold. Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity: the original data are transformed by generalizing (i.e., replacing one va...
A Research Data Management Handbook: A primer on managing your research data
This handbook briefly explain how to make data open, why manage data, responsibilities in research data management and what concretely is a data management plan (DMP).
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 items