CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 51 to 60 of 116 items
Archiving research data
Sikt accepts and archives research data on people and society and makes the data accessible for reuse. Sikt assist with documenting research data and choosing the right access conditions. This webpage offers an outline of Sikt services related to data archiving.
Agreement on personal data processing for assessing the suitability of research data for archiving
2018 Document
Agreement on personal data processing which is useful for assessing the suitability of research data for archiving at FSD.
Data Collection Policy
2019 Document
This document outlines the principles determining the collection and the development of
AUSSDA. The policy acts as a reference, making the selection process transparent for data
2020 Document
Detailed description and explanation of metadata by AUSSDA.
This document is an extract from “Heider, Veronika; Butzlaff, Iris; Bodlos, Anita; Hönegger, Lisa
(2020). Self-Deposit Manual. Self-depositing data at AUSSDA” which is available here and is licensed
under a CreativeCommons Attribution 4...
License: For use for scientific purpose only
2018 Document
License terms that users of data archived at AUSSDA are obliged to abide by.
Transfer and License Agreement
Data deposit form for open access data as provided by AUSSDA.
Deposit procedure
2017 Webpage
Information regarding the deposit procedure at ADP. Two phases compose the deposit procedure to the ADP that is the phase of evaluation and the phase of ingest of a study.
Showing 51 to 60 of 116 items