




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 431 to 440 of 600 items

Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving

2019 Document
The Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving is aimed at those engaged in the cycle of research, from applying for a research grant, through the data collection phase, and ultimately to preparation of the data for deposit in a public archive. The Guide is a compilation of best pract...

CoreTrustSeal Certificate - AUSSDA

2020 Document
The complete application for Core Trust Seal (CTS) by AUSSDA (July 2020). CTS offers a process of self-evaluation for digital repositories. The certification process consists of a set of 16 criteria with which a repository must comply.

How repositories can contribute their FAIR share: FAIRsFAIR Webinar

2020 Presentation
Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data are an increasingly important aspect of open scholarship. Increasing the production and use of FAIR data requires a wide range of stakeholders across the research ecosystem to actively play their parts. FAIRsFAIR – Fostering Fair Data P...

SODHA Metadata and Terms Guide

2020 Document
This specific guide sheds light on the various fields of the SODHA platform, which is a Dataverse installation. It provides additional explanation and examples for most fields of the software.

Explanation of the FAIR data principles

2020 Document
This guide provided by the SNSF gives an explanation of the FAIR principles and explains for each principle what are the researcher's responsibility and which requirements should be fulfilled by the repository.

Kvalikirstu 2

Kvalikirstu 2 is a tool for processing qualitative datasets with hundreds of files at the ingest phase. The data produced by Kvalikirstu 2 align with current requirements for long-term preservation. The features of Kvalikirstu 2 include a graphical user interface for processing and ODT file suppo...

SODHA Dataset Publishing Policy

2022 Document
This policy presents the few criteria upon which SODHA administrators decide to publish or not to publish a dataset that was submitted for review. It first gives a quick overview of the criteria, so that potential depositors can quickly know whether SODHA is the right repository for them or not;...

Our impact - UKDS

2022 Webpage
This section of the UK Data Service website includes examples of how data from our collection are providing evidence to support research, inform policy decisions and teach the next generation of social scientists.

Manage data

Data management describes the handling, organisation, and structuring of research material during the research process. On these pages SND has collected useful information about how to maintain, preserve and share research data.

R package DDIwR (DDI with R)

This is an R package that provides various functions to read DDI based metadata documentation, and write dedicated setup files for R, SPSS, Stata and SAS to read an associated .csv file containing the raw data, apply labels for variables and values and also deal with the treatment of missing valu...
Showing 431 to 440 of 600 items