CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 31 to 40 of 43 items
SEEDS D5: Policy and Procedures - Macedonia
2017 Report
This document presents three models (CESSDA-CDM, OAIS, DSA) and outlines the policies and procedures of the future Macedonian archive on: 1. the high-level organisational infrastructure; 2. the digital object management procedures; 3. the technical infrastructure, security and risk management.
SEEDS D5: Policy and Procedures - Montenegro
2017 Report
This document presents three models (CESSDA-CDM, OAIS, DSA) and outlines the policies and procedures of the future Montenegrin archive on: 1. the high-level organisational infrastructure; 2. the digital object management procedures; 3. the technical infrastructure, security and risk management.
Archival Acquisition Policy
2022 Document
Data selection and appraisal play an important role in the acquisition of data in any archival setting. The collections policy indicates the principles and criteria by which the archive develops its data collection in order to serve the designated community. In terms of acquisition, the FORS unit...
Collection Development Policy
2014 Document
Short guide to the Collection Development Policy of ISSDA, including the description of the scope of collection (type of data, thematic, and geographic coverage) and criteria for evaluation of a deposited dataset.
ISSDA Data Acquisition Protocol
2017 Document
The Data Acquisition Protocol provides detailed description of the workflow at ISSDA based on the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model. The document outlines all relevant processes, including validating the Submission Information Package (SIP), creation of an Archival Informati...
Selection of Research Data -Guidelines for appraising and selecting research data: A report by DANS and 3TU.Datacentrum
2011 Report
The report contains general guidelines on how to determine what research data should be preserved for the long term and what data should not. These guidelines can be used by individual researchers or research groups, researchers who co-operate within a collaboratory, research institutes, universi...
ISSDA File Format Policy
2017 Document
This File Format Policy of ISSDA defines the preferred and acceptable formats of datasets, documentation and metadata, that is acquired, preserved and distributed by the archive. The document could be useful for establishing policies towards both, data depositors and designated community of users.
File formats
2022 Webpage
The DANS guidelines on the file formats best suited for long-term sustainability and accessibility, including the definitions of different types of research data and the list of preferred formats for depositing in the archive.
da|ra Metadata Schema: Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Social and Economic Data. Version 4.0
2017 Report
The da|ra Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for the identification of data and retrieval purposes. Each DOI name is linked to a set of metadata, a collection of bibliographical and content information, which describe in detail the registered resources (title, author, pu...
SEEDS D8: Report on data collection and preparation - Croatia
2017 Report
In this report, FFZG presents: 1. data collection issues; 2. its data management workflow; 3. its conditions of use; and 4. tools used for dissemination: workflow implementation in Redmine and repository building in Dataverse.
Showing 31 to 40 of 43 items