




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 211 to 220 of 252 items

Finding & Accessing Data

2017 Presentation
Presentation handouts by ISSDA on how to find and access social data in Ireland and beyond. Presentation is primarily focused on Irish data, especially those stored at ISSDA, but a short overview of other data sources is also provided.

Data Management Guidelines - CSDA

2018 Webpage
This webpage from CSDA is an example of the guidance that an archive can develop to help data producers with data management. Topics covered are: Data file structure, Variables, Variable values and coding, Missing values, Data entry and data file integrity, Anonymisation, Weighting, Data file doc...

Social Science Data Management - CSDA

2018 Webpage
These webpages provide information on data mangement for researchers offering an overview on: the principles for open access to research data; data management; and ethical and legal conditions.

How to deposit data in the Reshare repository: UKDS Webinar

2019 Presentation
In this webpage, UK Data Service explains in a video how the reserachers can self deposit data in ReShare, UKDS's online data repository.

Teach with real data

2018 Webpage
This section of UK Data Service website is an example of information the DAS can give to persons with teaching responsibilities on how to use data. It includes a number of teaching resources, ideas for teaching, methods and software guides, video tutorials, etc.

SEEDS D11: Report on Individual Country Websites

2016 Report
This document presents the structure and content of a Website for developing archives in 2016. Websites are essential instruments of the new data services, even before they become operational, since they allow for information and promotion of the services and tools that will soon be available.

SERSCIDA D5.2: Report on Website for Database

2013 Report
This deliverable from the project SERSCIDA describes the creation of Websites for the new institutions. It includes the Website structure and content, the physical infrastructure, and future developments. Websites are an essential instrument for new data services, even before these go into operat...

Media Pack - Latvia

2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Latvia that serves as a communication and promotion tool.

Media Pack - Macedonia

2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Macedonia that serves as a communication and promotion tool.

Media Pack - Montenegro

2017 Document
Summary of the national development plan for Montenegro that serves as a communication and promotion tool.
Showing 211 to 220 of 252 items