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Showing 171 to 180 of 600 items

Facts and Figures for open research data

2019 Webpage
Figures and case studies related to accessing and reusing the data produced in the course of scientific production.

Data management and sharing: Practices and perceptions of psychology researchers

2021 Journal article
Research data is increasingly viewed as an important scholarly output. While a growing body of studies have investigated researcher practices and perceptions related to data sharing, information about data-related practices throughout the research process (including data collection and analysis)...

GDPR and it's implementation in data sharing in social sciences

2019 Presentation
The ethical and legal issues relating to research process in social sciences involving human participants had raised the concerns of policymakers, lawyers and scientists for many years. This topic especially came to the spotlight as the new GDPR entered into force in 2018. Anne-Mette Somby presen...

SSHOC Considerations for the Vocabulary Platforms: SSHOC Workshop

2020 Presentation
The breadth of the Social Science and Humanities sector has led not only to the diversification of the research methods and work practices in the field but also to diversity in the way vocabularies are used to describe, discover and access research content. The SSHOC EU thematic cluster project a...

D4.1: An assessment of FAIR-uptake among regional digital repositories

2020 Report
The EOSC-Nordic project aimed to facilitate the coordination of EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries and exploit synergies to achieve greater harmonisation at policy and service provisioning across these countries, in compliance with EOSC agreed standards and practices...

SSH Vocabulary Initiative - What Users Want: SSHOC Online Workshop

2021 Presentation
SSHOC will build the Social Sciences and Humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud. One of the SSHOC project’s core objectives is to foster the transition from the current Social Sciences and Humanities landscape to a cloud-based infrastructure that will operate according to the FAIR pri...

Introducing MICA: Measuring the Impacts of Curatorial Actions Project

2021 Presentation
MICA, or “Measuring and Improving the Efficacy of Curation Activities in Data Archives” is a three-year National Digital Infrastructures and Initiatives project led by investigators at ICPSR and the University of Michigan School of Information. The goal of this project is to understand how curato...

Introducing DDI-CDI (Cross Domain Integration) to the DDI Community: CODATA DDI Webinar

2020 Presentation
DDI - Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI) which is a specification aimed at helping implementers integrate data across domain and institutional boundaries. Modern research increasingly involves large amounts of data, much of which comes from non-traditional sources (sensors, big data, social medi...

FAIRness Literacy: The Achilles’ Heel of Applying FAIR Principles

2020 Journal article
The SHARC Interest Group of the Research Data Alliance was established to improve research crediting and rewarding mechanisms for scientists who wish to organise their data (and material resources) for community sharing. This requires that data are findable and accessible on the Web, and comply w...

SSH Open Marketplace: Public Consultation for the DARIAH Community

2020 Presentation
In 90 minutes you’ll learn about the role DARIAH and its partners are playing in the creation of the SSH Open Marketplace, how this service is designed to serve Social Sciences and Humanities researchers needs, and especially the Arts and Humanities communities, and how you can contribute to this...
Showing 171 to 180 of 600 items
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