




CESSDA Resource Directory



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Showing 171 to 180 of 252 items


2020 Webpage
User guide for SODHA's Dataverse platform. Because Dataverse is a free, open source Web application, the guide can be interesting for data archives considering the choice of Dataverse for their online platform. Texts were kept as short as possible and illustrated with many screenshots to point us...

Stepping up the effort to support the reuse of research data: DANS, the next level

2020 Presentation
Henk Wals, director of DANS, speaking on data reuse and measures needed to enhance data archiving and reuse. He also discuss rebuilding DANS' research data services.

DANS data stories: reusability and the GDPR

2020 Presentation
A short video about Reusability and the GDPR: Archiving your data with DANS by Emilie Kraaikamp (DANS Advisor for legal affairs). In this video, Emilie discusses the practical aspects of sharing personal research data.

DANS data stories: open and FAIR research data

2020 Presentation
In this video Marjan Grootveld (DANS) tells more about Open and FAIR research data.

Amnesia Anonymization Tool

Amnesia is a flexible data anonymization tool that transforms relational and transactional databases to dataset where formal privacy guaranties hold. Amnesia transforms original data to provide k-anonymity and km-anonymity: the original data are transformed by generalizing (i.e., replacing one va...

A Research Data Management Handbook: A primer on managing your research data

This handbook briefly explain how to make data open, why manage data, responsibilities in research data management and what concretely is a data management plan (DMP).

Online tools for exploring data

This section of the UK Data Service website gives a selection of data that are available to explore via our online tools.

Free & Open Source Qualitative Analysis Tools

2020 Presentation
This webinar is about qualitative Data Analysis with Taguette and qcoder

Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice (2nd ed. ; online version)

2019 Webpage
This book’s online resources are organised around the different phases of the research data lifecycle, to offer the support you need to complete each stage of your research project successfully.

Pre-registration and registered reports : FORS Guide No. 09, Version 1.0

2020 Document
Pre-registration and registered reports are increasingly advocated to improve the credibility and rigor of empirical research. Pre-registration and more strongly registered reports are expected to reduce reporting and publication bias because they request researchers to define a detailed research...
Showing 171 to 180 of 252 items
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