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Showing 1 to 10 of 33 items

Registry of research data repositories

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DANS Data Trail: explore new tools for your FAIR toolkit

2022 Presentation
On April 21, 2022, the DANS Data Trail Explore new tools for your FAIR toolkit took place. During the workshop, we looked back on selected highlights that FAIRsFAIR has contributed to the international journey towards more FAIR data and zoomed in on two concrete tools: F-UJI - for assessing the F...

DANS Data Trail Workshop: FAIR data assessment tools - an evaluation

2021 Presentation
During this workshop, Ammar Ammar (Maastricht University) presents his upcoming paper on FAIR assessment tools, and the same criteria are applied to DANS’s FAIR-Aware tool. The audience will get the opportunity to explore the tool and to discuss their feedback, following the same approach as in A...

Dataverse General User Interface Translation Guide for Weblate

2021 Document
This user Guide provides information about using the Weblate software for translating the Dataverse User Interface. It was made for the participants of the SSHOC ‘Dataverse Translation Workshop’ (02/06/2021).

CESSDA SaW D4.2: Stakeholder Workshop Report – AAI workshop

2017 Report
Report on the “Integration Workshop on Strategies for Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures (AAI)” held in Zagreb, Croatia on March 1st and 2nd, 2017. This workshop was part of the “Second Training workshop on Trust and Technical Aspects within the CESSDA infrastruc- ture” that was ori...

SSH Vocabulary Initiative - What Users Want: SSHOC Online Workshop

2021 Presentation
SSHOC will build the Social Sciences and Humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud. One of the SSHOC project’s core objectives is to foster the transition from the current Social Sciences and Humanities landscape to a cloud-based infrastructure that will operate according to the FAIR pri...

CESSDA SaW D4.5: Provision of development support services on the basis of identified demand

2017 Report
The objective of this task is to establish the conditions for creating new or reinforcing existing social science data services. The task will establish the needs for the provisioning of development support services for new and existing CESSDA Service Providers. Seven pilot studies of Service Pro...

Setting up Dataverse repository for research data: SSHOC Webinar

2021 Presentation
In this LIBSENSE webinar, hosted by EIFL, Vyacheslav Tykhonov from DANS-KNAW provides an overview of the software, tips on how to install and presents Dataverse SSHOC project building a mature data platform for the European research institutions. Fadoua EL MAGUIRI from IMIST talks about the natio...

Dataverse, adaptation to the European research environment: SSHOC Webinar

2020 Presentation
Within the SSHOC project, the open source repository software Dataverse will be adapted to the European research environment. One of the things adjusted is the language of the User Interface. Primarily Dataverse UI is in English, however lot of research communities in European countries prefer a...

Train the Trainer - Variable Harmonization with CharmStats: SERISS Webinar

2019 Presentation
Paula Schäfer reviews the variable harmonization software CharmStats with a case study from the European Values Study. The SERISS Consortium CC-BY, 2019.
Showing 1 to 10 of 33 items
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