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Showing 1 to 10 of 12 items

CESSDA SaW D4.8: Report on formal mechanism of collaboration and development towards structuring a widened CESSDA network

2017 Report
This is the second report of the task (D4.7 being the first one) and it captures the formal mechanism of collaboration and development towards structuring a widened CESSDA network described the task 4.5. The main aim of this task was to create a collaborative structure between the CESSDA partners...

CESSDA SaW D3.5: Report on the state-of-the-art, obstacles, models and roadmaps for widening the data perimeter of the data services

2017 Report
The task reviewed the state of play regarding specific data domains (data provided by academia, official statistics including administrative data, historical, health data and big data that means existing and emerging data types. Experiences and best practices are presented in this report with the...

CESSDA SaW D3.4: National development plans for data services in non-CESSDA member countries in the ERA

2017 Report
This deliverable contains the second output of task 3.3 – national development plans for establishing data services in the social sciences in non-CESSDA member countries in Europe. The goal of task 3.3 of CESSDA SaW was to draw up individual national development plans for aspiring CESSDA Service...

CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide: Why and how to use it?: CESSDA Webinar

2020 Presentation
CESSDA invited a researcher, trainer and Data Management Expert Guide (DMEG) co-author to raise awareness about the guide among researchers and trainers. Ricarda Braukmann (DANS), Patrícia Isabel Martins Miranda (ICS ULisboa) and Sothearath Seang (Eurodoc) each brought their perspectives to the d...

Data and Metadata criteria – APIS

APIS' collection development policy, quality control checks, metadata requirements and list of preferred formats explained for researchers.

Mission and Workflow – APIS

APIS mission and workflow explained

CoreTrustSeal Certificate - APIS

2021 Document
The complete application for Core Trust Seal (CTS) by APIS (September 2021). CTS offers a process of self-evaluation for digital repositories. The certification process consists of a set of 16 criteria with which a repository must comply.

Conditions of use – APIS

APIS' data user conditions.

Access conditions – APIS

This webpage defines APIS data access conditions.

How to deposit – APIS

APIS' deposit process explained to researchers.
Showing 1 to 10 of 12 items
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