Resource Directory
CESSDA Resource Directory
Showing 71 to 80 of 162 items
ZIPReader is a free Windows utility that allows users to open files that have been compressed using SecureZIP or PKZIP--or any other ZIP product. ZIP Reader decrypts Secure ZIP files created by any PKWARE product, regardless of hardware platform. PURPOSE: Decryption for requests.
SecureZIP® is an enterprise-grade, flexible encryption solution. PURPOSE: Encryption for requests.
Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI. It supports managing X.509 and OpenPGP certificates in the GpgSM keybox and retrieving certificates from LDAP servers.
WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a free and open source SFTP, FTP, WebDAV and SCP client for MS Windows. Its main function is secure file transfer. Beyond this, WinSCP offers basic file manager and file synchronization functionality. For secure transfers, it uses Secure Shell (SSH) and supports th...
HEAnet FileSender
FileSender is a web based application that allows authenticated users to securely and easily send large files to other users. Authentication of users is provided through SimpleSAMLphp, supporting SAML2, LDAP and RADIUS and more. Users without an account can be sent an upload voucher by an authent...
Stattransfer is used to transfer any quantitative data file format to SPSS file format (our principal file format for dissemination).
Open and review data (anonymisation check, quality checks, e.g., on variable and value labels or on the syntaxes provided as documentation), transfer from Stata to SPSS, as every data file are disseminate at least using SPSS file format.
File Checksum Tool
File Checksum Tool is a free application that calculates and verifies MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, MD2, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 hash values from any file.
A tool to create checksum (SHA-1) of data files that are included in the DIP. This allows data users who downloads the files to verify the Hash and...
Polymorph is a service used for converting SPSS and STATA files to CSV files for long term storage in open standards.
Polymorph licensing is unclear yet (tool was developed to answer FORS needs). Also, the tool is still under development and is now accessible as a service in a website.
DeVisu provides a detailed view of datasets' variables. All questions, answers' categories (with codes and labels) and answers' distribution (number of cases and percentages) are available. DeVisu provides thus a nice complement of SWISSUbase for secondary users. For each dataset described in DeV...
Showing 71 to 80 of 162 items