
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
Tune in & learn about GoTriple – An innovative discovery service
Wed 14 Dec 2022

GoTriple is your single access point to discover and reuse open scholarly SSH resources and find peers. How does the platform work? What can users do there? Why should researchers join? Hear from three platform experts!

At the heart of the TRIPLE project is the creation of an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities (SSH).

GoTriple is a single access point that allows researchers to explore, find, access and reuse materials from across Europe, such as literature, data, projects and find other researchers. 

A first prototype was released in October 2021 and has been improved ever since. When the project ends in 2023, it will become a dedicated service of the European research infrastructure OPERAS

CESSDA is a partner in the TRIPLE project and was approached to produce a podcast. 

Tune into the podcast and hear from...

Agnieszka Szulińska, a digital scholarly editor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has an MA degree in Polish Philology where she specialised in scholarly editing. She is currently working on her Ph.D. thesis about digital scholarly editing of literary texts in Poland. She is looking at digital projects such as the correspondence between Polish poets on emigration or 19th century Polish novels. Other research interests include testing tools and platforms used in SSH scholarly communication, and video games.

Luca De Santis, the R&D Director and the Chief Operating Officer of the Italian company Net7 Srl. He has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa. He leads the “technical work packages” of the project: implementation of the GoTriple platform & the integration of Innovative Services (included Net7’s Pundit!). When not managing projects, commercial or of research nature alike, he likes to deepen his knowledge in the fields of Semantic Web & Linked Data, Text Analytics, Industry 4.0 and Software Architectures. He has a penchant for noisy music, the French language and wine tasting (not necessarily French…). His GoTriple profile is

Taina Jääskeläinen, Senior Specialist at the Finnish Social Data Archive (FSD), the Finnish Service Provider for CESSDA. She is very involved in the CESSDA infrastructure, in particular with the CESSDA Data Catalogue and Vocabularies. Her areas of expertise include  thesauri, vocabularies, and metadata harmonisation across languages.

What’s next? 

The final TRIPLE conference will take place on 1–3 February 2023 in Bonn, Germany. It will focus on the potential, challenges and possibilities that arise out of these endeavors for Open Science in SSH. 

Intrigued? Register here.

Behind the scenes

Eleanor Smith is responsible for all communications and public engagement activities for CESSDA. Eleanor also supports CESSDA’s Service Providers in their communication activities. CESSDA is a partner in the TRIPLE Project. Eleanor created her own podcast in 2021 to showcase women entrepreneurs. Discover their creative projects by tuning into Women that inspire on Soundcloud.

Emilie Blotière works at the CNRS, the French National Research Centre. After 15 years in the banking and insurance sector, Emilie chose to change sector. In 2018, she enrolled in a degree "Digital technologies applied to history". She is the TRIPLE project manager and part of the OPERAS Coordination Team. Her GoTriple is

Sona Arasteh is the Communication Manager for the EU-funded TRIPLE project. Before that, she was a researcher and editor at the Department of Philology at the University of Münster. Her research focused on the intertwinement of ideology and populism in literature.


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by Eleanor Smith, using Audacity, a free, open source, cross-platform audio software & with music from Majk Jutbo (Bonanza), from Epidemic Sound.

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