CONSORTIUM: 18 Beneficiaries + 3 Linked Third Parties
CESSDA ROLE: Beneficiary
DURATION: 2019 - 2023
BUDGET: EUR 5 630 055

TRIPLE will help SSH research in Europe to gain visibility, to be more efficient and effective, to improve its reuse within the SSH and beyond, and to dramatically increase its societal impact.

SSH research is divided across a wide array of disciplines and languages. While this specialization makes it possible to investigate the extensive variety of SSH topics, it also leads to a fragmentation that prevents SSH research from reaching its full potential. Use and reuse of SSH research is low, interdisciplinary collaboration possibilities are often missed, and as a result, the societal impact is limited.

TRIPLE addresses these issues: it enables researchers to discover and reuse SSH data, but also other researchers and projects across disciplinary and language boundaries. It provides all necessary means to build interdisciplinary projects and to develop large-scale scientific missions. It will thus increase the economic and societal impacts of SSH resources.

GoTriple is an innovative multilingual discovery solution for the social sciences and humanities (SSH). It provides a single access point for discovering research artefacts that are relevant to the wide variety of disciplines under the umbrella domain of SSH: publications and research data, project descriptions and researcher profiles. These are automatically imported from aggregators, semantically enriched and linked in GoTriple. Users will also have access to a number of additional innovative tools and applications.

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Download the TRIPLE leaflet

Download the factsheet on the beta version of the GoTriple platform