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334 results for query "consortium".
OSTrails kick off meeting in Athens News
Wed 13 Mar 2024On 5-6 February 2024 in Athens, Greece, and online we embarked on our Open Science Trails journey. OSTrails is a 3-year Horizon Europe project, coordinated by OpenAIRE, that aims to set the necessary foundations to streamline FAIR assessment and machine actionability in the European Open Science Cloud by enhancing and connecting the Planning, Tracking, Assessing phases of research. CESSDA will be a part of this journey!
QUANTUM project kicks off to develop and implement the health data quality label for the secondary use of health data in the EU News
Mon 18 Mar 2024Quantum is one of the seven new EU funded projects CESSDA is joining in 2024. This time the step into cross disciplinary research brought us closer to health domain. We will be helping health data community in their work on metadata and data quality!
linkstostudies.pdf File
ELSST Thesaurus Web page
The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) consists of over 3,000 concepts and covers the core social science disciplines in over a dozen languages.
Mission and Vision Web page
The mission of CESSDA is to provide a full-scale, sustainable research infrastructure with complete European coverage.
Ireland officially joins CESSDA! News
Mon 8 Nov 2021On 3 November 2021, the Irish Research Council announced Ireland’s membership of CESSDA.
Past Activities Web page
List of completed projects with CESSDA participation.
SSHOC Web page
SSHOC aims to provide a full-fledged Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud where data, tools, and training are available and accessible for users of SSH data.