External news and posts
Zur Regierungsablösung nach 16 Jahren Angela Merkel: Die Meinung der deutschen Wähler:innen im Datencheck
Es waren ereignis- und krisenreiche Amtsjahre, in denen Angela Merkel von 2005 bis 2021 Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland war: die Finanz‑/Eurokrise, die „Flüchtlingskrise“, die Klimak...
Significant similarities in the open data work in Sweden and Iceland
Despite the difference in size and conditions in Iceland and Sweden, the similarities outweigh the differences in their respective work with making research data accessible. The FAIR principles, re...
A champion for open science in- and outside of his domain
Gustav Nilsonne is a researcher in medicine, and associate professor of neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet. At SND, he contributes with expertise in medical data and coordinates the domain speci...
Winner winner vegan dinner! Twitter scraping as Q-Step interns
The UK Data Service is pleased to have had two Q-Step interns working in the Computational Social Sciences (CSS) team, based in the Cathie Marsh Institute at the University of Manchester. In this p...
CESSDA® Roadshow on Circular Economy [Webinar]
This CESSDA® Roadshow on the Circular Economy brings together experts from service providers and top-level researchers to explore the key role of the social sciences with impartial, reliable data o...
CESSDA® Roadshow on Cancer and Chronic Diseases [Webinar]
This CESSDA® Roadshow focuses on how CESSDA Data Catalogue® and Data Management Expert Guide® support researchers in work on cancer and major chronic diseases based on impartial and trusted dataset...