External news and posts
Hessische Forschungsdateninfrastruktur HeFDI - FDM als Landesinitiative
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
Gemeinsam statt einsam: Beispiele für ein vernetztes Forschungsdatenmanagement
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
Was bietet das GESIS Datenarchiv an?
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
Das FOSTER Toolkit
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
Open Science und FAIR Data
The presentation was given as part of the networking meeting Research Data Management Reloaded: Open Data and the Future of Research Data Management in the Social Sciences and Humanities that targe...
CESSDA Series on Variable Harmonization: Documentation and Best Management Practices
Dr. Kristi Winters (GESIS) and Janek Bruker (formerly of GESIS) discuss social science metadata and standards for documenting harmonized social science data. This is video 4 in a series of 4 videos...