CESSDA Workshop on Persistent Identification
The workshop is intended to inform the CESSDA Service Providers and representatives from other European Data Archives on the overall insights received from the interviews and the desk research made within the CESSDA PID Task over the past months.
It will present the status quo of PID (Personal Identifiers) usage within CESSDA. User stories of the different CESSDA Service Providers shall also be presented in detail.
The persistent identification of CESSDA Service Providers’ data holdings requires more attention. While some ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) have achieved practical and administrative successes (e.g. CLARIN ERIC), CESSDA still lacks a common approach to the use of PID services. To bridge this gap GESIS and contributing partners - DANS and SND - have the task of preparing administrative guidelines for persistent identifiers within CESSDA. The outcome of this task will lay the groundwork for the development of a common CESSDA PID Policy.
The workshop addresses representatives of all European data archives, whether they are CESSDA Service Providers or aspiring data service providers. Read more here.
To register to this event, please click here.
For information on accommodation and the journey to Cologne please use the following link:
A project has been set up on Basecamp for all registered participants.