Webinar - Data on aspects of digital life
How can we understand the impact of computers and the internet on everyday life? Hosted by the So.Da.Net network (the Greek research infrastructure for the social sciences), this webinar will explore research and data on the topic. The webinar will include two guest speakers. First, Professor Nicolas Demertzis, University of Athens, Director & President of the Governing Body, EKKE will address how data from the World Internet Project (WIP) supports research into the digital divide. Then, Dr Stamatis Poulakidakos from Athens University will discuss the impact of social media within the national campaigns of 2019' European elections.
The webinar will last approximately 60 minutes with time for questions.
The webinar is funded by CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) ERIC (https://www.cessda.eu/)
NEW: Video and Slides from the Webinar are now available online on the CESSDA Training website.