Kosovo (partner)

The Kosovo Social Sciences Data Centre - KSSDC
The Kosovo Social Sciences Data Centre (KSSDC) will be a national infrastructure for social sciences and humanities providing long-term preservation and distribution of research data. The data centre should be housed within a larger existing organisation but its services will be available to the whole community, national and international.
The main purpose of KSSDC will be to provide curation of research data produced by the research community in the country and access to these data for researchers and the broader public. The KSSDC could be established by the Centre for Political Courage (CPC) within the Institute for Social Studies and Humanities (ISSH), at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Pristina. One of the main stakeholders in the future will be the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST).
The KSSDC’s holdings will include social science data in a broad sense. The primary focus, however, will be quantitative data in sociology, psychology, education science, political science and economics. These include microdata (coded numerical responses to surveys with a separate record for each individual respondent) and macrodata (aggregate figures, e.g. country level economic indicators).
Find out more:
National development plans for data services in the ERA & media packs (CESSDA SaW project)