Belgium (member)

Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive - SODHA
SODHA, the Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive, is the Belgian CESSDA service provider. SODHA was launched in October 2020 and is hosted by the State Archives of Belgium.
As a national digital repository, SODHA preserves and disseminates data sets in social sciences as well as both the traditional and the digital humanities. Researchers can deposit their data on the online platform. SODHA safely stores data for the long-term. Researchers keep full control over their data sets and are free to choose among several access and reuse regimes. Open data can be downloaded immediately from the website. However, depositors have the option of conditioning access to their datasets.
SODHA is financed by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), allowing researchers to find, access and deposit research data on the platform for free.
SODHA relies on the open source software Dataverse developed by Harvard University. Experts in social sciences from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) advise and contribute to the development of SODHA.
The future growth of SODHA is stimulated by the BISHOPS project, which investigates how to develop the existing infrastructure in order to address the needs of the various disciplines in the traditional and digital humanities.
Funding Agency
Belgian Scientific Policy Office (BELSPO)
News (in English, Dutch and French)