Austria (member)

The Austrian Social Science Data Archive - AUSSDA
AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive is a certified, national research infrastructure for the social science community. We offer sustainable and easy-to-use services in the field of digital archiving and preservation. The main beneficiaries are researchers, students, educational institutions and media professionals.
We implement international standards to make research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable according to the FAIR principles. AUSSDA supports the open science movement to maximize the potential for data reuse. We stand for integrity in archiving and advocate for compliance with data protection and ethical principles in research data management.
AUSSDA represents Austria as a national service provider in CESSDA ERIC, has locations at the universities of Vienna, Graz, Linz, Innsbruck, Krems and at the OeAW (Austrian Academy of Sciences) and works within a network of national and international partners.
Partner Organisations